- Ancient emperor - Ancient Roman ruler - Ancient ruler asked to see Tsar - Apparently seize a salad - Emperor stabbed by friends - Hears and sees a Roman leader - Julius ..., Roman general
- Corrupt Roman emperor - Crazed Roman emperor - Cruel Roman emperor - Infamous Roman Emperor - Notoriously cruel Roman emperor - Old emperor - Olden emperor
- Chess piece - Clergyman - Senior cleric - Strangely, phobias didn’t include a chesspiece - A spiritual overseer, superintendent, or director. - In the Roman Catholic, Greek, and Anglican or Protestant
Episcopal churches, one ordained to the highest order of the ministry,
superior to the priesthood, and generally claiming to be a successor of
the Apostles. The bishop is usually the spiritual head or ruler of a
diocese, bishopric, or see. - In the Methodist Episcopal and some other churches, one of
the highest church officers or superintendents.