- Annihilate
- Demolish
- Exterminate
- guillotine
- opposite of to construct or to build
- Put an end to
- Rip out
- Move from home
- Pull out of the ground
- Remove a plant completely
- Rip out
- Weed out
- To root up; to tear up by the roots, or as if by the
roots; to remove utterly; to eradicate; to extirpate.
- Cry
- Rip out
- Shed tears
- The lapwing; the wipe; -- so called from its cry.
- imp. of Weep, for wept.
- Formerly, to express sorrow, grief, or anguish, by outcry,
or by other manifest signs; in modern use, to show grief or other
passions by shedding tears; to shed tears; to cry.
- To lament; to complain.
- air delivery of personnel equipment or supplies
- Delivery by parachute
- Emergency supply from above
- Parachute delivery
- Parachuted delivery
- Rip road out to make way for parachute delivery
- Supply by parachute
- To undo, as something sewn, or something inclosed by
sewing; to rip apart; to take out the stitches of.
- Acronym common to epitaphs
- Current request for grave serenity
- Cut or tear apart
- Dangerous current
- Dangerous current for Mr Van Winkle
- Dangerous sea current
- Headstone marking