- Ballot caster - Constituent - Devote resources to capture part of the electorate - Elector - Poll booth attendee - Strove to head off new constituent - One who votes; one who has a legal right to vote, or give
his suffrage; an elector; a suffragist; as, an independent voter.
- Chain of shops - Chain of stores - Chains of stores - Full rights of citizenship - Is a French translation needed for dealership? - Right to vote - Exemption from constraint or oppression; freedom;
- Right to vote - A vote given in deciding a controverted question, or in
the choice of a man for an office or trust; the formal expression of an
opinion; assent; vote. - Testimony; attestation; witness; approval. - A short petition, as those after the creed in matins and
evensong. - A prayer in general, as one offered for the faithful
departed. - Aid; assistance. - The right to vote; franchise.