- Hard - Inconvenient - Problematic complex - Requiring effort - Tricky - Hard to do or to make; beset with difficulty; attended
with labor, trouble, or pains; not easy; arduous. - Hard to manage or to please; not easily wrought upon;
austere; stubborn; as, a difficult person.
- great effort - Physical effort - The act of exerting, or putting into motion or action;
the active exercise of any power or faculty; an effort, esp. a
laborious or perceptible effort; as, an exertion of strength or power;
an exertion of the limbs or of the mind; it is an exertion for him to
move, to-day.
- Extract by force - Grab - Hobart's casino: ... Point - Hobart’s casino: ... Point - Obtain by great effort - Seize power from rest, reportedly - Seize rest of report