- Fanatic - Fanatical follower - Person who is uncompromising in pursuit of a religion or other ideal - Person who is uncompronusnq in pursuit of a religious or other ideal - Political militant - Religious fanatic - religious hardliner
- Caftan I ripped up for religious zealot - Enthusiast - Extremist - In fact, a deranged extremist - Over-zealous supporter - Stefan at ice-skating display is a mad enthusiast - Stefan at iceskating display is a mad enthusiast
- Extremist - One moved or actuated by enthusiasm; as: (a) One who
imagines himself divinely inspired, or possessed of some special
revelation; a religious madman; a fanatic. (b) One whose mind is wholly
possessed and heated by what engages it; one who is influenced by a
peculiar; fervor of mind; an ardent and imaginative person.