Reed Instrument Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 30-12-2023
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: reed instrument. We have 7 answers for reed instrument in our database.

Possible answers to reed instrument

- Reed instrument

- A woodwind instrument
- Cousin of bassoon
- Cousin of cor anglais
- Double-reed instrument
- Every other combo open to include woodwind instrument
- Hobo enticed to hold musical instrument
- Honour includes circle for wind tube

- Reed instrument with a windbag
- Reed instruments
- Scottish instrument
- Scottish musical instrument
- Skirling instrument
- Woodwind instrument

- A chinese reed instrument, with tubes, blown by the mouth.

- Brass musical instrument
- Ice cream holder
- Ice-cream cone made of grain for the little alien
- Trumpet-like instrument
- Wafer for holding ice cream
- An obsolete rude reed instrument (Ger. Zinken), of the oboe family.
- A brass instrument, with cupped mouthpiece, and furnished with valves or pistons, now used in bands, and, in place of the trumpet, in orchestras. See Cornet-a-piston.

- A reed instrument, related to the oboe, but deeper in pitch; the English horn.

- A reed instrument of music of the cornet kind, now obsolete (see Cornet, 1, a.).
- A reed stop in the organ; -- sometimes called cremona.

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