Rank Admiral Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 10-03-2020
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: rank admiral. We have 4 answers for rank admiral in our database.

Possible answers to rank admiral

- Back of right ear
- Back part
- Back part of something
- Behind
- Bellow
- bring up
- Bring up (kids)

- Come, get around Mod or leader of the fleet
- Naval officer
- Senior naval rank
- An officer who ranks next above a captain; sometimes, by courtesy, the senior captain of a squadron. The rank of commodore corresponds with that of brigadier general in the army.
- A captain commanding a squadron, or a division of a fleet, or having the temporary rank of rear admiral.
- A title given by courtesy to the senior captain of a line of merchant vessels, and also to the chief officer of a yachting or rowing club.
- A familiar for the flagship, or for the principal vessel of a squadron or fleet.

- Classify
- Gross
- Military status
- Odorous
- outrageous
- Smelling bad
- Social class

- Fleet commander
- Fleet leader
- Navy chief
- navy officer
- Navy rank
- Senior fleet officer
- Senior naval officer

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