- Cigarette end
- End part
- On the contrary - the first to become the subject of joke
- Ram
- Rifle end
- Stub
- The thick end
- Firmly press down or in
- Force down
- Pack down
- Pack tightly
- Push down tightly
- Ram down
- In blasting, to plug up with clay, earth, dry sand, sod,
or other material, as a hole bored in a rock, in order to prevent the
force of the explosion from being misdirected.
- A sheep
- A sheep, you say?
- As part of the flock, you listen
- Ethnic group living in eastern Ghana
- Female animal
- Female sheep
- Fleecy female
- A sheep
- Castrated sheep
- Emasculated ram
- A castrated ram.
- A star sign
- April birth sign
- April star sign
- April zodiac sign
- First Zodiac sign
- Star sign
- The Ram