- Nag - Nag pettily - Nagging worry about governor general being kept in line, for a change - Nit-pick - Raise petty objections - Raise petty objections over horse swept into Nile - Slight injury
- Argue needlessly - Find trivial fault - Object in small way - Petty objection - Raise petty objections - To raise captious and frivolous objections; to find fault
without good reason. - To cavil at.
- Argue over petty things - Cavil, split hairs - Petty argument arose when contents of squib blew - Petty objection - Raise objections - A shift or turn from the point in question; a trifling or
evasive distinction; an evasion; a cavil. - A pun; a low conceit.
- Carp - Raise objections - To give utterance to expression of grief, pain,
censure, regret. etc.; to lament; to murmur; to find fault; -- commonly
used with of. Also, to creak or squeak, as a timber or wheel. - To make a formal accusation; to make a charge. - To lament; to bewail.