Radioactive Element Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 13-02-2021
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: radioactive element. We have 5 answers for radioactive element in our database.

Possible answers to radioactive element

- Nuclear fuel
- Nuclear fuel found in Nauru? I’m confused
- Radioactive element
- Usually radioactive as norm, initially upon merging
- Yellowcake product
- An element of the chromium group, found in certain rare minerals, as pitchblende, uranite, etc., and reduced as a heavy, hard, nickel-white metal which is quite permanent. Its yellow oxide is used to impart to glass a delicate greenish-yellow tint which is accompanied by a strong fluorescence, and its black oxide is used as a pigment in porcelain painting. Symbol U. Atomic weight 239.

- Radioactive element
- A metallic element found in certain rare minerals, as thorite, pyrochlore, monazite, etc., and isolated as an infusible gray metallic powder which burns in the air and forms thoria; -- formerly called also thorinum. Symbol Th. Atomic weight 232.0.

- Radioactive element

- A metallic element
- Highly radioactive element
- Metal, symbol Ra
- Radioactive element, Ra
- Radioactive matter

- Artificial radioactive element

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