- Holiday - Joyful celebration - Public celebration - Time of celebration - Pertaining to a fest; festive; festal; appropriate to a
festival; joyous; mirthful.
- A formal religious or public occasion or celebration - Formal act or ritual - Pomp - You might stand on it at a formal event - Ar act or series of acts, often of a symbolical
character, prescribed by law, custom, or authority, in the conduct of
important matters, as in the performance of religious duties, the
transaction of affairs of state, and the celebration of notable events;
as, the ceremony of crowning a sovereign; the ceremonies observed in
consecrating a church; marriage and baptismal ceremonies. - Behavior regulated by strict etiquette; a formal method
of performing acts of civility; forms of civility prescribed by custom
or authority. - A ceremonial symbols; an emblem, as a crown, scepter,
garland, etc.
- The act of rending thanks, or expressing gratitude
for favors or mercies. - A public acknowledgment or celebration of divine
goodness; also, a day set apart for religious services, specially to
acknowledge the goodness of God, either in any remarkable deliverance
from calamities or danger, or in the ordinary dispensation of his
- Form of religious rites - Order of service - Ritual - An established formula for public worship, or the entire
ritual for public worship in a church which uses prescribed forms; a
formulary for public prayer or devotion. In the Roman Catholic Church
it includes all forms and services in any language, in any part of the
world, for the celebration of Mass.
- A formal speech - Address - Formal speech - No allowance for speech - No going back after a riot disrupted formal address - On air to make speech - Speech