- Provide food - Food; -- now used chiefly in the plural. See Victuals. - Grain of any kind. - To supply with provisions for subsistence; to provide
with food; to store with sustenance; as, to victual an army; to victual
a ship.
- Kate – a command to supply food - Kate ... a command to supply food - Make allowances (for) - Organise feast - Pander (to every whim) - Provide - Provide (food)
- Butterfly larva - Earlier version of Madama Butterfly? - Grub supplied to provide food column - Grub to provide food column - Leaf-eating grub - The larval state of a butterfly or any lepidopterous
insect; sometimes, but less commonly, the larval state of other
insects, as the sawflies, which are also called false caterpillars. The
true caterpillars have three pairs of true legs, and several pairs of
abdominal fleshy legs (prolegs) armed with hooks. Some are hairy,
others naked. They usually feed on leaves, fruit, and succulent
vegetables, being often very destructive, Many of them are popularly
called worms, as the cutworm, cankerworm, army worm, cotton worm,
silkworm. - A plant of the genus Scorpiurus, with pods resembling
- Discover - Discovery - Locate - Penalised, they say, for discovery - To meet with, or light upon, accidentally; to gain the
first sight or knowledge of, as of something new, or unknown; hence, to
fall in with, as a person. - To learn by experience or trial; to perceive; to
experience; to discover by the intellect or the feelings; to detect; to
feel. - To come upon by seeking; as, to find something lost.