Prove Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 27-10-2023
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: prove. We have 5 answers for prove in our database.

Possible answers to prove

- Describe using examples
- Illustrate
- Make apparent
- protest
- Protest in rally
- Protest in street rally
- Protest publicly

- Bring about
- Found his stable in disarray
- Found his tables in pieces
- Install
- Make (contact)
- Prove
- Set up

- Assess ability of
- Candidates’ assessment
- Exam
- Exam setback on final attempt
- Examine
- First trial exam? Such torment!
- International cricket match

- Confirm
- Prove
- Verify
- To make to exist; to make real.
- To establish the existence or truth of by proof or competent evidence; to verify; as, to substantiate a charge or allegation; to substantiate a declaration.

- Absolve
- Absolve 100 Romans who take on Shakespeare’s mad king
- Apparent
- Become fine (of weather)
- Bright
- Calculator button is obvious
- Cloudless (sky)

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