- Lord’s prayer (Lat)
- Prayer
- The Lord's prayer, so called from the first two words
of the Latin version.
- A beadlike ornament in moldings.
- A line with a row of hooks and bead/shaped sinkers.
- A prayer
- Prayer
- A prayer; a supplication.
- Archbishop’s address before dinner?
- Blessing before a meal
- Easy elegance
- Elegance
- Elegance of movement
- Mealtime prayer
- Odd German chef has prayer before meals
- A cry for help
- A pretext
- An entreaty
- An excuse
- Appeal
- Call for help
- Defendant's statement
- African despot caught in famine
- End of a prayer
- Former despot, Idi ...
- Former dictator, Idi ...
- Located in steam engine? So be it!
- Prayer ending