- Apex - Point - Pointed end - Pointed end where curves meet; dental prominence - Star sign division - Tooth part - A triangular protection from the intrados of an arch, or from
an inner curve of tracery.
- Ape pecks noisily at the pointed end - High part - High point - Highest point - Highest point; peak - Imitate ten at summit - Monkey cross about peak
- Act in pioneering fashion - Driving force of lance tip - Lance to lead vanguard - Lead an attack or campaign - Lead an attack or movement - Lead attack with asparagus tip - Lead the way
- Forceful military attack - Press hard - Shove - Shut - Thrust - A pustule; a pimple. - To press against with force; to drive or impel by
pressure; to endeavor to drive by steady pressure, without striking; --
opposed to draw.