- Alignment - Alignment of oriental nation’s extremities - Bearings - Local adjustment - No going back after irate Toni confused bearings - Point of view - Sense of direction
- A corner - A top new hair product for beautiful woman - Angel upset by journalist’s bias - Bend to get fish - Can Glen conceal his bias? - cast a line - Cherub
- Outlook - Point of view - Viewpoint - Of or pertaining to the science of vision; optical. - Pertaining to the art, or in accordance with the laws,
of perspective. - A glass through which objects are viewed. - That which is seen through an opening; a view; a
- Customary procedure - Day-to-day - Dead end - Habitual sequence - not like urgent care - Not unusual for you to enter exotic Orient - Piece of choreography
- Appearance - Facet - Feature another cap set - POINT OF VIEW - View - The act of looking; vision; gaze; glance. - Look, or particular appearance of the face; countenance;
mien; air.
- Express An Opinion - Express As A View - Express opinion - Express point of view - Express point of view on pie mixture - Give viewpoint of duck on fir tree - Give your view