- A sworn declaration or promise
- Coat hanger holds promise
- Curse
- Legally binding promise
- Loath to write off Liberal leader’s promise
- Pledge
- Profane expression
- Blasphemes
- Curses
- Curses sweethearts for having teeth knocked out
- Curses when topsoil erodes
- Cusses
- Inducts, ... in
- Promises by oath
- A Pledge
- Another rat seen? That’s serious!
- Definite
- Down payment
- Heartfelt
- Hemingway reportedly dedicated
- Serious
- Bride or bridegroom’s “I do!”
- Declare solemnly
- Oath
- Promise to shorten vowels
- Solemn pledge
- Solemn promise
- Wedding promise
- Audition forbidden for pop group
- Music group
- Music group sounds like it’s been prohibited
- Musical group
- Orchestra
- Original baritone and orchestra
- Posse