Play''s Main Character Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 28-09-2023
Below are possible answer for general crossword clue: play''s main character. We have 4 answers for play''s main character in our database.

Possible answers to play''s main character

- Chief character in a story
- Hero seen playing sport in toga
- Leading character
- Main character in story
- Play’s main character
- One who takes the leading part in a drama; hence, one who takes lead in some great scene, enterprise, conflict, or the like.

- Play's main characters
- Play’s main characters
- Story’s heroes

- A waterbird
- Big-billed bird
- Bird
- Egret
- Egret relative
- Egret, hen, swallows, rook. Not okay!
- Hero has last London bird

- To celebrate loudly; to extol; to praise.
- To assume the character of; to represent by a fictitious appearance; to act the part of; hence, to counterfeit; to feign; as, he tried to personate his brother; a personated devotion.
- To set forth in an unreal character; to disguise; to mask.
- To personify; to typify; to describe.
- To play or assume a character.
- Having the throat of a bilabiate corolla nearly closed by a projection of the base of the lower lip; masked, as in the flower of the snapdragon.

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