- Basic quality - Central part - Central theme of German city church - Concentrate on fundamental nature - Flavour concentrate - Fundamental nature - Heart and soul of German city church
- The tubers of the Mexican plant Ipomoea purga (or Exogonium
purga), a climber much like the morning-glory. The abstract, extract,
and powder, prepared from the tubers, are well known purgative
medicines. Other species of Ipomoea yield several inferior kinds of
jalap, as the I. Orizabensis, and I. tuberosa.
- The root of a Brazilian rubiaceous herb (Cephaelis
Ipecacuanha), largely employed as an emetic; also, the plant itself;
also, a medicinal extract of the root. Many other plants are used as a
substitutes; among them are the black or Peruvian ipecac (Psychotria
emetica), the white ipecac (Ionidium Ipecacuanha), the bastard or wild
ipecac (Asclepias Curassavica), and the undulated ipecac (Richardsonia