- According to contents of disc, he-men have a plan!
- An ordered system or arrangement
- Conspiracy
- Conspire
- Diagram
- Plan
- Plan inside disc he memorised
- Plot involving scams and illegal copying
- Secret plan
- Secret plan, plot
- A combination of men for an evil purpose; an agreement,
between two or more persons, to commit a crime in concert, as treason;
a plot.
- A concurence or general tendency, as of circumstances,
to one event, as if by agreement.
- An agreement, manifesting itself in words or deeds, by
which two or more persons confederate to do an unlawful act, or to use
unlawful to do an act which is lawful; confederacy.
- Engage in plotting
- Plot together
- Work together on defective cop siren
- To make an agreement, esp. a secret agreement, to do
some act, as to commit treason or a crime, or to do some unlawful deed;
to plot together.
- To concur to one end; to agree.
- To plot; to plan; to combine for.
- Cogitate
- consider reflect
- Consider, ... about
- Employ one’s mind
- Imagine
- To seem or appear; -- used chiefly in the expressions
methinketh or methinks, and methought.
- To employ any of the intellectual powers except that of
simple perception through the senses; to exercise the higher
intellectual faculties.
- Survey chart
- To form by interlaying interweaving; to braid; to plait.
- Work done by platting or braiding; a plait.
- A small piece or plot of ground laid out with some design, or
for a special use; usually, a portion of flat, even ground.
- To lay out in plats or plots, as ground.
- Plain; flat; level.
- Plainly; flatly; downright.
- Create
- To form by an exercise of ingenuity; to devise; to
invent; to design; to plan.
- To make devices; to form designs; to plan; to scheme;
to plot.
- A plotting together; a confederacy in some evil design; a
- To plot or plan together; to conspire; to join in
a secret design.