- A flat slab of clay. stone or wood
- Flat computer
- Handheld PC
- Medication needed after wild battle
- Not able to include medication
- Pill
- Put tea on table with pill
- Sleeping pill
- One who, or that which, soothes.
- Compulsive pill-popper
- Compulsive user
- Devotee
- Habitual user
- Mad dictator took in junkie
- Person dependent on drugs
- Slave to a vice
- Control sample hidden in cheap, lace bonnet
- Cop able to produce harmless drug substitute
- Cop able to produce sugar pill
- Cop able to switch pretend medicine
- Dummy pill
- In marketplace, bought sugar pill
- Inactive medicine
- A type of drug
- Sedative
- Sedative drug
- Sleeping pill
- Type of drug