- Ability to see
- Ability to see mirage
- Apparition
- Dream to see TV footage
- Inspirational dream
- Mental picture
- Picture
- Conjure up
- Dream
- Envisage
- Envisage fancy picture
- Envision
- Form a mental picture
- Form a mental picture of
- Attracting (crowd)
- Darwin confused over leading geneticist’s sketch
- Diagram
- Doodling in crayon
- Etching
- Forming (conclusion)
- Illustration
- A trailer is part of it
- Cuts from Muscovite film
- Feature I move about
- Film
- Motion picture
- Picture
- Picture me with nothing (six Romans included)
- A gem I ordered from photo
- A reflection of one’s public profile?
- Dead ringer, spitting ...
- Depiction
- Exact copy
- Extremely important stage persona
- I ruin game by taking a photo