- A selection
- Alternative
- Pick
- Selection
- The right to choose
- Variety
- Act of choosing; the voluntary act of selecting or
separating from two or more things that which is preferred; the
determination of the mind in preferring one thing to another; election.
- Pick-me-up
- Remedial
- Of or pertaining to restoration; having power to
- Something which serves to restore; especially, a
restorative medicine.
- A type of fish
- Complain
- Complain constantly
- find fault pettily
- Fish
- Fish practise going up halfway
- Fresh water fish
- Nag
- Nag pettily
- Nagging worry about governor general being kept in line, for a change
- Nit-pick
- Raise petty objections
- Raise petty objections over horse swept into Nile
- Slight injury
- Boots designed for speed increase
- Encourage
- Help along
- Impetus
- Improve
- Improve third act following catcalls
- Pick me up