Photograph Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 06-01-2020
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: photograph. We have 5 answers for photograph in our database.

Possible answers to photograph

- Detailed description
- Detailed photo
- Photograph
- portrait photo
- Shut
- Shut entirely

- Batik design
- Fabric pattern
- Photograph
- Publish
- Publish a book or newspaper
- Publish reproduction
- Write in unjoined letters

- Attempt an alcoholic drink
- Discharge of a firearm
- Filmed
- Firing of a gun
- Golf stroke
- Gunned down over insulting remark
- Injection

- Early photograph
- An early variety of photograph, produced on a silver plate, or copper plate covered with silver, and rendered sensitive by the action of iodine, or iodine and bromine, on which, after exposure in the camera, the latent image is developed by the vapor of mercury.
- The process of taking such pictures.
- To produce or represent by the daguerreotype process, as a picture.
- To impress with great distinctness; to imprint; to imitate exactly.

- Coffee cups burning snap
- Coffee cups steaming in photograph
- Police photograph

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