Peddle Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 21-05-2018
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: peddle. We have 4 answers for peddle in our database.

Possible answers to peddle

- Peddle
- Retail
- Sell
- Sell some lavender
- Sell to public
- To transfer to another person for a pecuniary equivalent; to make an object of trade; to dispose of by sale; to sell; as, to vend goods; to vend vegetables.
- The act of vending or selling; a sale.

- Bird of prey
- Ferret
- Kite to sell wherever there’s a buyer
- Peddle
- Peddle; bird
- Warmonger
- Winged predator

- Hawked
- of Peddle

- of Peddle
- Hawking; acting as a peddler.
- Petty; insignificant.

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