Paper Folding Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 22-03-2018
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: paper folding. We have 4 answers for paper folding in our database.

Possible answers to paper folding

- Am I to follow semi-original way of folding the paper?
- Art of folding paper
- Art of paper folding
- Clever ways with paper to rig a middle section
- Craft for folders?
- Every second hour, ring barmaid for paper-folding art
- It turns paper into all sorts of things

- Art of paper folding

- Binder
- Binder for loose papers
- Cover or wallet for loose papers
- File
- One who, or that which, folds; esp., a flat, knifelike instrument used for folding paper.

- A suffix added to the names of certain numerals or to the numerals themselves, to indicate the number of leaves made by folding a sheet of paper; as, sixteenmo or 16mo; eighteenmo or 18mo. It is taken from the Latin forms similarly used; as, duodecimo, sextodecimo, etc. A small circle, placed after the number and near its top, is often used for -mo; as, 16¡, 18¡, etc.

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