- Outer layer - Veneer - of Coat - A coat or covering; a layer of any substance, as a cover
or protection; as, the coating of a retort or vial. - Cloth for coats; as, an assortment of coatings.
- Cuticle - Outer layer of skin - Skin layer - The outer, nonsensitive layer of the skin; cuticle;
scarfskin. See Dermis. - The outermost layer of the cells, which covers both
surfaces of leaves, and also the surface of stems, when they are first
formed. As stems grow old this layer is lost, and never replaced.
- An opaque, glassy substance applied to surfaces - Canine’s coat - Coating name in the Spanish glaze - Coating on teeth - Even a melon has a hard protective covering - Glaze - Glaze mad eel man