Ornamental Shrub Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 30-09-2022
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: ornamental shrub. We have 7 answers for ornamental shrub in our database.

Possible answers to ornamental shrub

- Art of making shaping shrubs
- Art of shaping bushes
- Ornamental shrub
- Ornamental shrub clipping
- shrub sculpture
- Of or pertaining to ornamental gardening; produced by cutting, trimming, etc.; topiarian.

- Colourful flowering shrub
- Flower
- Flowering shrub
- Ornamental shrub
- Plant of the genus Rhododendron
- Showy flower
- Shrub with clusters of brightly coloured flowers

- Flower that hangs down
- Ornamental shrub
- Phew! Shah heard of drooping flower
- Reddish purple
- vivid purplish pink
- vivid violet flowers
- A genus of flowering plants having elegant drooping flowers, with four sepals, four petals, eight stamens, and a single pistil. They are natives of Mexico and South America. Double-flowered varieties are now common in cultivation.

- An evergreen flowering shrub
- Evergreen poisonous shrub
- Ornamental but poisonous flowering shrub
- Poisonous evergreen shrub
- A beautiful evergreen shrub of the Dogbane family, having clusters of fragrant red or white flowers. It is native of the East Indies, but the red variety has become common in the south of Europe. Called also rosebay, rose laurel, and South-sea rose.

- A genus of plants of the Mallow family. It includes the officinal marsh mallow, and the garden hollyhocks.
- An ornamental shrub (Hibiscus Syriacus) of the Mallow family.

- An ornamental evergreen shrub (Rhamnus alaternus) belonging to the buckthorns.

- Hedge plant
- Hedging plant with black berries
- Vet rip (anag)
- An ornamental European shrub (Ligustrum vulgare), much used in hedges; -- called also prim.

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