- Mary was quite perverse in making art corny
- Opposed or completely different
- Opposite
- Opposite; in an opposite direction; in opposition;
adverse; as, contrary winds.
- Opposed; contradictory; repugnant; inconsistent.
- Given to opposition; perverse; forward; wayward; as, a
contrary disposition; a contrary child.
- Affirming the opposite; so opposed as to destroy each
other; as, contrary propositions.
- Contrary in position
- Flip side
- It’s the opposite in poetry
- It’s the opposite in stanza
- Opposite
- Reciprocal
- Turned upside down
- A set-back
- Back up; overturn
- Contrary in position
- Drive back
- Drive backwards
- Move backwards
- Move backwards in a vehicle
- Hurtful
- Negative (criticism)
- Opposed
- Opposing one’s interests
- Public notice – Poetry Is Harmful
- Today, poetry is negative
- Unfavourable
- Counterpart
- Front side of a coin
- Head side of coin
- Observe false front, of statue
- Observe flipped side of coin
- One side of a coin
- Opposite aspect