- Fanatic - Fanatical follower - Person who is uncompromising in pursuit of a religion or other ideal - Person who is uncompronusnq in pursuit of a religious or other ideal - Political militant - Religious fanatic - religious hardliner
- Baby’s pacifier - Bridge partner stands in shop window - Feigned pass - Mannequin that comforts baby - Practice, ... run - Short and fat - Silent; mute; noiseless; as a dummy engine.
- Emasculated - Helpless - Incapable - Ineffectual - Statement of belief in one’s own strength ... or not! - Not potent; wanting power, strength. or vigor. whether
physical, intellectual, or moral; deficient in capacity; destitute of
force; weak; feeble; infirm. - Wanting the power of self-restraint; incontrolled;
ungovernable; violent.
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