- A characteristic - A distinguishing mark - Distinguishing mark - Kudos - Official seal - Quality of style and distinction - Secret store starts to create prestige
- Official proving of a will - Proving of a will - Verified will - Proof. - Official proof; especially, the proof before a competent
officer or tribunal that an instrument offered, purporting to be the
last will and testament of a person deceased, is indeed his lawful act;
the copy of a will proved, under the seal of the Court of Probate,
delivered to the executors with a certificate of its having been
proved. - The right or jurisdiction of proving wills. - Of or belonging to a probate, or court of probate; as, a
probate record.
- Deed certifier - Legal assistant - One who records in shorthand what is said or done; as, the
notary of an ecclesiastical body. - A public officer who attests or certifies deeds and other
writings, or copies of them, usually under his official seal, to make
them authentic, especially in foreign countries. His duties chiefly
relate to instruments used in commercial transactions, such as protests
of negotiable paper, ship's papers in cases of loss, damage, etc. He is
generally called a notary public.