- Arc shape - Celebration initially centres around curved street - Chairman opened centres built on curved street - Curved row of houses - Curved sickle shape - Emblem of Islam - new moon shape
- After new moon Tony suffers boredom - Tedium - Wearisome routine - A frequent recurrence of the same tone or sound,
producing a dull uniformity; absence of variety, as in speaking or
singing. - Any irksome sameness, or want of variety.
- The moon at the quarters, when half its disk appears
illuminated. - The shape of a half-moon; a crescent. - An outwork composed of two faces, forming a salient
angle whose gorge resembles a half-moon; -- now called a ravelin. - A marine, sparoid, food fish of California (Caesiosoma
Californiense). The body is ovate, blackish above, blue or gray below.
Called also medialuna.