- Bap
- Bread bun
- Bun
- Cake, Swiss ...
- Hot streak
- Move as a ball
- Register of voters
- kick back
- Move as a ball
- Rebound
- Recoil, ... back
- Recover, ... back
- Spring back
- Spring up again like a dud cheque
- Ball with a bias
- Basin
- Cup part
- Deep, round dish
- Deliver a cricket ball
- Deliver ball to container
- Dish causes blowout!
- To make a humming or hissing sound, like an arrow or ball
flying through the air; to fly or move swiftly with a sharp hissing or
whistling sound.
- A hissing and humming sound.
- Belittle
- Hit
- Nick
- Rap on a door
- To drive or be driven against something; to strike
against something; to clash; as, one heavy body knocks against another.
- To strike or beat with something hard or heavy; to rap;
as, to knock with a club; to knock on the door.
- To strike with something hard or heavy; to move by
striking; to drive (a thing) against something; as, to knock a ball
with a bat; to knock the head against a post; to knock a lamp off the
- Apparently rule let gamblers use this spinning wheel
- Casino game
- Deadly game, Russian ...
- Gambling game
- Gambling game using a revolving wheel
- Lucky wheel let into route
- A game of chance, in which a small ball is made to move
round rapidly on a circle divided off into numbered red and black
spaces, the one on which it stops indicating the result of a variety of
wagers permitted by the game.