- Aggregate of points - Get a goal in football - Get points for musical arrangement - Group of 20 - Group of twenty - raw state - Record of points made
- Company turned casino around, for instance - Event - Function - Give rise to - Happening, event - Instance - Significant event for an oak, Asian was heard to say
- Kindness is a relevant factor - Thought, or cash for extra service - The act or process of considering; continuous
careful thought; examination; contemplation; deliberation; attention. - Attentive respect; appreciative regard; -- used
especially in diplomatic or stately correspondence. - Thoughtful or sympathetic regard or notice. - Claim to notice or regard; some degree of importance
or consequence. - The result of delibration, or of attention and
examonation; matured opinion; a reflection; as, considerations on the
choice of a profession.
- Capable of being shown; proper or intended to be shown. - Shown; exhibited; declared; avowed; professed;
apparent; -- often used as opposed to real or actual; as, an ostensible
reason, motive, or aim.