- Health-restoring
- Medicinal
- Remedial
- Therapeutic
- Relating to, or employed in, the cure of diseases;
tending to cure.
- Cough mixture
- Medicinal syrup
- Speech linked us to medicine
- Syrup-like medicine
- Syrupy cough medicine
- Medicine taken by licking with the tongue.
- Getting ready
- Groundwork
- Medicinal compound
- Planning
- Practice, training
- Readiness
- The act of preparing or fitting beforehand for a
particular purpose, use, service, or condition; previous arrangement or
adaptation; a making ready; as, the preparation of land for a crop of
wheat; the preparation of troops for a campaign.
- Medicinal syrup
- Stomach remedy
- An abbreviation of Ipecacuanha, and in more frequent use.
- Cure for all ills
- Cure-All
- Grand medicine
- Healing potion
- Magic potion
- Magical or medicinal potion
- Medicinal syrup