Meant Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 06-10-2022
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: meant. We have 5 answers for meant in our database.

Possible answers to meant

- Assessed
- Deliberately planned
- Did sums, aware of the consequences?
- Figured out
- Meant
- Worked out by calculation; as calculated tables for computing interest; ascertained or conjectured as a result of calculation; as, the calculated place of a planet; the calculated velocity of a cannon ball.
- Adapted by calculation, contrivance. or forethought to accomplish a purpose; as, to use arts calculated to deceive the people.

- Adjusted rifle sights
- Adjusted sights
- Aspired
- Directed
- Directed (weapon)
- directed pointed
- Endeavoured

- Indicated
- Meant
- Not, indeed, indicated
- of Denote

- Calculated
- Deliberate
- Designed
- Done on purpose
- Meant
- On purpose
- Planned

- Hinted at, suggested
- Inexplicit
- Insinuated
- Meant
- Suggested
- Suggested I lied to catch politician
- Suggested that naughty child told fibs

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