- Insultingly small
- Les may turn mean and spotty
- Meagre
- Pathetic
- Spotted looking miserable
- Spotted looking miserable?
- Infected with measles.
- An outbuilding
- be at an angle
- Be in a sloping position
- Bend forward
- confide
- Gangly
- Having no fat
- Hardly ever
- I spy with my ... eye
- Left title off miniature
- Meagre
- Not big
- Not much
- Not much for Clinton’s rock?
- can fit into sty but it's skimpy!
- In short supply
- Insufficient
- Limited or barely enough
- Meagre
- Wanting amplitude or extent; narrow; small; not abundant.
- Somewhat less than is needed; insufficient; scant; as, a
scanty supply of words; a scanty supply of bread.
- Above red line, ice and air become sparse
- Extremely thirsty man is lean
- Hint about becoming slim
- Lean
- Meagre
- Narrow
- Not dense