- Actor, ... Winkler - Man’s name - SI unit of inductance - Then Roy loses to Fonda, Kissinger or Ford - The unit of electric induction; the induction in a circuit
when the electro-motive force induced in this circuit is one volt,
while the inducing current varies at the rate of one ampere a second.
- ... Lamont, former MP - ... Wisdom, English comedy actor - Aussie golf great - Australian golfer - Average with an invader of England - Conquest of England of the French or Australian shark - Frenchman from the north or isle in Irish Sea
- ... Gershwin, lyricist - ... Gershwin, US songwriter - Former Irish guerrilla force - Fury - Gershwin has air of mystery - Gershwin held up in Bavaria - Gershwin is back in Arizona
- — the Terrible - ... the Terrible - "The Terrible" - A single delivery vehicle for Mr Lendl - A single goods truck for Mr Lendl - Lendl was a bit of a bon vivant - Man’s name