Mammal Type Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 07-10-2021
Below are possible answer for quick crossword clue: mammal type. We have 7 answers for mammal type in our database.

Possible answers to mammal type

- a heavily built omnivorous nocturnal mammal
- A nocturnal mammal of the weasel family
- Annoy
- Annoy digger
- Burrowing mammal
- Constantly ask
- Mammal type

- Animal with elongated snout
- Animal with flexible snout
- Asian ungulate
- Hoofed animal
- Large mammal
- Long snouted ungulate
- Long-snouted ungulate

- African beast
- African forest mammal
- African mammal
- Giraffe relative
- Giraffe-like mammal
- Giraffe’s only relative was OK when followed by a private investigator
- Look? A Picasso portrays an animal

- African equine
- Black and white animal
- Equine mammal
- Mammal type
- Serengeti equine
- Striped animal
- Striped equine

- Bunny
- Burrow dweller
- Burrowing lagomorph
- Gossip with Jewish teacher before tea
- Long-eared mammal
- Mammal type
- Member of large family who appears in hat

- Animal with antlers
- Antlered animal
- Antlered ruminant
- Cervid
- Does rocker Lou turn up?
- Elk
- Elk, e.g.

- Armoured mammal
- Armoured US animal
- Bony-plated mammal
- Bony-plated South American mammal
- Bony-scaled US animal
- Horny plated burrowing mammal of South America
- Mammal type

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