- Aromatic gum or spice burned as part of religious ceremonies - Aromatic substance - Enrage - Enrage greatly - Enrage smoker - Fragrant aroma to provoke anger - Infuriate
- Enrage - Infuriate or irritate - Make angry - To make mad; to drive to madness; to craze; to excite
violently with passion; to make very angry; to enrage. - To become mad; to act as if mad.
- Angry, ... under the collar - Causing controversy but hugely popular - Easter treat, ... cross bun - Even throat is burning - Extremely warm - febrile - fierce
- Livid - Outraged - Very angry - of Incense - of Incense - Angered; enraged. - Represented as enraged, as any wild creature depicted
with fire issuing from mouth and eyes.