- Make drunk - Intoxicated. - Overexcited, as with joy or grief. - To poison; to drug. - To make drunk; to inebriate; to excite or to stupefy
by strong drink or by a narcotic substance. - To excite to a transport of enthusiasm, frenzy, or
madness; to elate unduly or excessively.
- Intoxicate - Make drunk - Make drunk tip a beer in it - To make drunk; to intoxicate. - Fig.: To disorder the senses of; to exhilarate or
elate as if by spirituous drink; to deprive of sense and judgment;
also, to stupefy. - To become drunk. - Intoxicated; drunk; habitually given to drink;
- Down on a peach - Fluff - Fluffy matter - To make drunk. - Fine, light particles or fibers; loose, volatile matter. - To fly off in minute particles.