Lying Face Down Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 08-03-2025
Today's crossword clue is a general crossword: lying face down. We have 10 answers for lying face down in our database.

Possible answers to lying face down

- answerable
- Disposed
- Lying down
- Lying face downward
- Lying face-down
- Lying facedown
- Lying flat

- Lying down, or on the face; prone.
- Lying on the ground, but without putting forth roots; trailing; prostrate; as, a procumbent stem.

- Inclination
- The quality or state of being prone, or of bending downward; as, the proneness of beasts is opposed to the erectness of man.
- The state of lying with the face down; -- opposed to supineness.
- Descent; declivity; as, the proneness of a hill.
- Inclination of mind, heart, or temper; propension; disposition; as, proneness to self-gratification.

- Lying down
- of Recline
- Bending or curving gradually back from the perpendicular.
- Recumbent.

- Lying down
- Reclining
- Leaning; reclining; lying; as, the recumbent posture of the Romans at their meals. Hence, figuratively; Resting; inactive; idle.

- Lethargic
- Lying face upwards
- Lying flat
- Lying on one’s back
- Negligently inert
- Sue, having knocked back a shot of whisky, is lying down
- Lying on the back, or with the face upward; -- opposed to prone.

- Forlorn, pitiable
- Pitiful
- Utterly wretched
- Utterly wretched or hopeless
- Wretched object changes at the start
- Cast down; low-lying.
- Sunk to a law condition; down in spirit or hope; degraded; servile; groveling; despicable; as, abject posture, fortune, thoughts.

- Lying down; recumbent.

- Lying down; recumbent.

- Lying down; prostrate; recumbent.
- Reclining on the ground, as if too weak to stand, and tending to rise at the summit or apex; as, a decumbent stem.

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