- Dependability
- Loyalty
- The quality or state of being trusty.
- Loyalty
- Faithfulness; adherence to right; careful and exact
observance of duty, or discharge of obligations.
- Adherence to a person or party to which one is bound;
- Adherence to the marriage contract.
- Adherence to truth; veracity; honesty.
- Alliance based around, for example, loyalty
- Loyal obligation
- Loyalty
- Loyalty to a cause
- Observance of obligation
- Pacino takes to the stage with a nice new display of loyalty
- The tie or obligation, implied or expressed, which a
subject owes to his sovereign or government; the duty of fidelity to
one's king, government, or state.
- Commitment, dedication
- Reverence; loyalty
- Strong affection
- Veneration
- The act of devoting; consecration.
- The state of being devoted; addiction; eager inclination;
strong attachment love or affection; zeal; especially, feelings toward
God appropriately expressed by acts of worship; devoutness.
- Act of devotedness or devoutness; manifestation of strong
attachment; act of worship; prayer.