- “Forty all” - 40 all in tennis - All forty heard in court - Comedy, ... Bigalow: Male Gigolo - Juice discussed in tennis score - Low-value card - Tennis 40/40
- Lodge (with) - Low card - Small card - Small playing card - Three on dice or cards - Three, at cards, dice, or dominoes; a card, die, or domino of
three spots or pips.
- Belittle - Value too low - To rate too low; to rate below the value; to
undervalue. - A price less than the value; as, to sell a thing at an
- five centime piece - Former French coin - Lose a little soul for a very little money - Low-value old French coin - Old French coin - Prosecute apparently for smallest amount of money - An old French copper coin, equivalent in value to, and now
displaced by, the five-centime piece (/ of a franc), which is popularly
called a sou.