- Identifying uniform of a servant - Stable for hired horses - The act of delivering possession of lands or tenements. - The writ by which possession is obtained. - Release from wardship; deliverance. - That which is delivered out statedly or formally, as
clothing, food, etc. - The uniform clothing issued by feudal superiors to their
retainers and serving as a badge when in military service.
- Parish exchanges skinhead for a social outcast - Social outcast - One of an aboriginal people of Southern India, regarded by
the four castes of the Hindoos as of very low grade. They are usually
the serfs of the Sudra agriculturalists. See Caste. - An outcast; one despised by society.
- Of, pertaining to, or designating, an extensive family of
languages of simple structure and low grade (called also Altaic,
Ural-Altaic, and Scythian), spoken in the northern parts of Europe and
Asia and Central Asia; of pertaining to, or designating, the people who
speak these languages. - One of the Turanians.