- Infatuated
- Love-struck
- Smitten
- of Besot
- Made sottish, senseless, or infatuated; characterized by
drunken stupidity, or by infatuation; stupefied.
- Hold as dear
- Hold dear
- Hold dear, treasure
- Hold dearly
- Love
- Protect and care for lovingly
- Rancher is hoping to conceal treasure
- Before noon our love affair is revealed
- Illicit affair
- Liaison
- Love
- Love (French)
- Love affair
- Romance
- Addendum to a text
- Binding affection
- Clip-on
- Devotedness
- Email add-on
- Emotional bond
- Fondness
- Beau managed to reheat stew
- Beloved
- Boyfriend
- Girlfriend
- Love
- Lover
- Valentine