Lost Sleep Over Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 17-06-2022
Below are possible answer for general crossword clue: lost sleep over. We have 8 answers for lost sleep over in our database.

Possible answers to lost sleep over

- Felt anxious
- Lost sleep over
- Was anxious
- Worried
- of Fret
- Rubbed or worn away; chafed.
- Agitated; vexed; worried.

- Bar on a guitar neck
- Become anxious over part of guitar
- Corrode
- Guitar neck bar
- Lose sleep over
- Pine ridge on guitar neck
- Ridge on a guitar neck

- At Random
- Determined by mere chance
- Hit-and-miss
- Random
- Random mishap lost half over danger
- Slap-happy
- Slapdash

- Crimes
- Lost dimes over Ed’s illegal doings
- Offences
- Sins

- A in BA, the degree
- Bart’s lost his head over cultural pursuits
- Briefly, Arthur’s wiles
- Crafts
- Cunning moves
- Garfunkel’s cultural pursuits
- Karate and judo, martial ...

- Apparently lost strength over these two days
- Period of rest
- Saturday and Sunday
- Time to relax at Bernie’s?

- A long time after surgeon had rugs removed
- A long time in the ravine
- Age
- Age of opera
- An important period in history
- Are back in time
- Chapter in history

- Avid to return to being a prima donna
- Brave person
- Come back, avid prima donna!
- David lost his head over opera star
- Female opera singer
- Female opera star
- Female singing star

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