- Arboreal primate - Eleven down in left and right for a beastly John Cleese favourite - Long tailed primate - Long-tailed mammal - Madagascan primate - Madagascan tree animal - Ring-tailed primate
- Baboon, say - Long tailed primate - Primate type - tamper - The Hindu god Hanuman is part-man and part what? - In the most general sense, any one of the Quadrumana,
including apes, baboons, and lemurs. - Any species of Quadrumana, except the lemurs.
- A brightly-coloured Australian bird - Australian parrot - Colourful parrot - Handsome parakeet - Long-tailed parrot - Parrot - Parrot went higher before everyone came back
- Amphibian - Amphibian type - Long-tailed amphibian - Newt-like amphibian - Any one of numerous species of Urodela, belonging to
Salamandra, Amblystoma, Plethodon, and various allied genera,
especially those that are more or less terrestrial in their habits. - The pouched gopher (Geomys tuza) of the Southern United
States. - A culinary utensil of metal with a plate or disk which
is heated, and held over pastry, etc., to brown it.
- A deserter - A mouse-like rodent - Ben, the subject of Michael Jackson’s hit song of 1972, is a what? - Betray, ... on - Betrayer - Commuter treadmill, ... race - Deserter could become sailor if he returned
- Brilliant parrot - Colourful South American bird - Kind of parrot - Large parrot - Long-tailed American parrot - Mac headed off to WA, came back with a parrot - South American parrot
- Guttersnipe - Tatter and a teacake for urchin - Urchin - A paltry or disreputable fellow; a mean wretch. - A person who wears ragged clothing. - The long-tailed titmouse.