- Fibbin’ about having a long sleep - Get out of bed late - I’m getting stuck into mortgage to obtain a long rest - Ignore alarm clock - Long sleep - Oversleep - Sleep late
- A prolonged state of unconsciousness - Deep extended sleep - Deep sleep - Deepest (sleep) - Long sleep needed by company graduate - State induced in disco mayhem - Stupor
- A space of time - During the time that - Space of time - Space of time, or continued duration, esp. when short; a
time; as, one while we thought him innocent. - That which requires time; labor; pains. - To cause to pass away pleasantly or without irksomeness
or disgust; to spend or pass; -- usually followed by away. - To loiter.
- Anchorage - Mooring space - Ship’s cabin - Sleeping-place on board - Wharf area - Convenient sea room. - A room in which a number of the officers or ship's company
mess and reside.