Long Necked Bird Crossword Clue

Latest updated: 01-06-2024
Below are possible answer for general crossword clue: long necked bird. We have 10 answers for long necked bird in our database.

Possible answers to long necked bird

- A waterbird
- Big-billed bird
- Bird
- Egret
- Egret relative
- Egret, hen, swallows, rook. Not okay!
- Hero heads north to find bird

- ... and ganders
- Adult goslings
- Domestic birds
- Farm birds
- Farm fowls
- Flying fowls
- Gretel sees odd farm birds

- Aussie bird
- Australian bird
- Australian coat-of-arms creature
- Australian native in the museum
- australian scrub bird
- Big Bird seen in The Muppets
- Bird

- Bird that feeds in shallow water
- Heron, crane, e.g.
- Long-legged bird
- Wading bird
- One who, or that which, wades.
- Any long-legged bird that wades in the water in search of food, especially any species of limicoline or grallatorial birds; -- called also wading bird. See Illust. g, under Aves.

- African animal
- Camelopard
- Long necked mammal
- Long-necked ruminant
- Tall mammal
- Tallest mammal
- An African ruminant (Camelopardalis giraffa) related to the deers and antelopes, but placed in a family by itself; the camelopard. It is the tallest of animals, being sometimes twenty feet from the hoofs to the top of the head. Its neck is very long, and its fore legs are much longer than its hind legs.

- Baby-snatcher
- Bird for babies
- Long-legged bird
- Wading bird
- Any one of several species of large wading birds of the family Ciconidae, having long legs and a long, pointed bill. They are found both in the Old World and in America, and belong to Ciconia and several allied genera. The European white stork (Ciconia alba) is the best known. It commonly makes its nests on the top of a building, a chimney, a church spire, or a pillar. The black stork (C. nigra) is native of Asia, Africa, and Europe.

- a bird
- A waterbird
- Bird observed in backwater, generally
- Heron
- Heron-like bird
- Kind of heron
- Long plumed wader

- Bird looks like a flaming duck!
- Bird-flaming ring
- Film, The ... Kid
- Large wading bird
- Long-legged bird
- Pink wading bird
- Tall wading bird

- Long legged shore bird
- Long-legged shorebird
- Shore bird
- Wading bird
- Alt. of Avoset

- The African rufous-necked weaver bird (Hyphantornis texor).

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